2018 wdw marathon 25th anniversary Posts

2018 Walt Disney World Marathon Recap



Well, friends. I did it! I am officially a marathoner. After holidays, a sinus infection, a crazy winter storm, and other obstacles potentially deterring me from my goal, we managed to get to Walt Disney World safe and sound, and I was able to fulfill my long-time goal of finishing a marathon.

WDW Training Update – ONE WEEK AWAY!



This is it. After months of training and miles, we’re one week away from the 2018 WDW Marathon!!! I am so excited. And nervous. And frustrated. I’ve been suffering with a sinus infection and have been off my feet for over a week. It’s been quite the taper- more like sudden halt! It’s kind of freaking me out. But I know the most important thing is to get well, and fast. It doesn’t help that even if I was feeling well it’s literally zero degrees outside. Hmph!

I shouldn’t complain. I need to find a treadmill and get in some miles just before I leave. I hope no one else is in this position! At least I am not injured, and I am feeling much better.

I can’t wait to get to Walt Disney World and pick up my bib at the expo. I’ll be ready to toe the starting line and run this race. At this point, I am laser focused on finishing, and whatever time I get will be good enough for me!

I hope everyone is getting excited and is thinking about what they will be packing! I know I am. 🙂


Happy New Year, everyone and see ya real soon!

Gina / Will Run for Disney

WDW Marathon Training Update – One MONTH To Go!

Hi Friends! Believe it or not, we’re less than ONE MONTH AWAY from the 2018 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend – 25th Anniversary – Presented by Cigna. I am so excited! The bulk of our training is winding down- I have just one more “scary” run until my taper, but otherwise I am feeling great! I just really hope this strength is with me on race day. For now, here’s what my training week looked like:

WDW Marathon Training Update


It’s December! That means we’re only a FEW weeks from our big race weekend. Time is FLYING. I hope everyone is enjoying time with family, holiday festivities, and of course the treats that come with the season. I also hope everyone’s training is going well and that you are all feeling confident about your abilities. After months of training I’m definitely starting to feel like finishing a marathon is becoming more of a reality! Here’s what my training week looked like:  

WDW Marathon Training Update


Hi everyone! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration and are enjoying the rest of your weekend. Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we can officially get excited for the holiday season! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, which means we are that much closer to the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend! In fact, we’re SIX weeks away! WOW.