Running 2018 Posts

Chicago Marathon Training Pt VI & Things I’ve Learned While Training for my Second Marathon


Less than six weeks to go in my Part VI review of my Chicago Marathon Training! I am reaching the APEX of my training, hitting 19 on Saturday, scaling back this weekend, and I’ll be back at it for the big 2-0. *GULP*

Chicago Marathon Training Part V


I looked at a calendar and realized that the 2018 Chicago Marathon is less than 10 weeks away! That means I have 10 (or less!) long runs to go. I have to say, this weather is brutal. I’ve always had trouble in the heat and humidity, so I guess I’ve come a longer way than I realize, but training and heat combined are starting to get old.

Chicago Marathon Training Pt IV

Credit: Tastes of Chicago


Confession: I did not complete my full training week this past week. I thought more about this hot dog than I did about running, to be completely honest.

Will Run for Disney’s 2017 Reflections and Goals for 2018


The end of 2017 is nigh! I can’t believe it’s already that time of year- a time of reflection, gratitude, and bracing oneself for the peak of winter. Instead of “resolutions” I prefer to look at my year’s accomplishments, and goals for the New Year. I was looking at my 2016-2017 goals and accomplishments post and can’t believe how far I’ve come in the past year with my running journey. It’s amazing how one step, one run, one week, one month, adds up to goals I never thought possible.